Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about simplicity. Thinking about what it means to simplify. Or, more specifically, what I need to do to simplify.
Simplicity may seem counter to what a decorator stands for. After all, don’t we fill houses with stuff?
Well, sort of.
Decorators choose special elements to make a house a home. To be able to focus on the unique, special aspects of a home, there must not be clutter & chaos.
An excellent book on the subject of eliminating clutter is It’s Just Too Much by Peter Walsh of the television show Clean Sweep.
One of the things Peter focuses on in the book is the emotional attachment we have to things. Often, we feel that we can’t get rid of something because of the memories associated with it, even if we no longer need or use that particular item.
He sings the tune that we must realize decluttering doesn’t mean we have to get rid of the memories.
Even though you & I may not have newspapers piled up to the ceiling, and probably aren’t candidates for Clean Sweep, I would bet that many of us are holding on to something that we could afford to let go.
So, I challenge myself, and I will challenge you too…start to look at everything you own. If you love it & it has a place in your home, keep it and treat it with the respect if deserves.
If you don’t love it, or have ambivalence about it, pass it on to someone who needs it or will love it.
Simplify your life by simplifying your stuff.
There is something so beautifully empowering about living a simpler life.