This weekend I picked off another home goal from my 2011 list and put an end to any peeping tom foolery in my master bathroom windows.
OK, so maybe I’m a little bit paranoid, especially since the master bath is on the second floor, but I feel as if people can look in between the blinds and the window and see me all nakey.
I decided that this year I would add some curtains, so I could rest easy when I’m waltzing around in my birthday suit, plus it would warm up the room a bit and the windows wouldn’t look so nakey either…
The tile on the floor and in the shower & surrounding the tub is a slate-like ceramic tile with a hint of light blue & teal blue…
…so I opted for teal blue as an accent color for an otherwise neutral room. I purchased 4 curtain panels for $9.99 each as well as 2 curtain rods at Target…
The wild fabric behind the box is the ironing board cover that I made…
…and got to work prepping to hang curtains.
Of course, I hit a snag. Literally.
Usually this would send me back to the store to return the item in a fit of frustration, but since I’m basically a lazy human being, I decided to see if I could remedy the problem myself with the help of my knitpicker.
At least that’s what I think it’s called. It’s what my mom the knitter calls it. The handy dandy knitpicker is a tool used to pull snags through knits. It can also be used on looser weaves such as this one.
So I knitpicked the snag…
And pulled it through to the other side of the curtain…
Crisis averted. Then I went about the business of hanging the curtain rods and the curtains. No small task considering that I had to work around this large garden tub…
I suppose I could have put a stepladder in the tub to work on, but that would have meant stopping the project & going downstairs, and as I’ve already stated, I’m basically a lazy human being, so I did it the hard way, precariously balancing, rockclimbing my tub like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 2.
Nevertheless, the curtains were hung by the bathtub with care.
But I didn’t like the way the inner part of the curtain looked on the rod. Not as gathered as the rest of the curtain.
Simple enough to solve with some large safety pins.
Since these curtains will be remaining open, I pinned the back of the pocket to make it more gathered up. Here’s the end result…
Definitely solves the problem of covering the openings on the sides of the blinds. They warm up the room and they have great texture.
To be honest, I’m not sure I’m in love with the color. Seems a wee bit too bright. I’m usually not crazy about short curtains, and these seem to have a highwater feel to them, but considering that they’re right by the tub, and that the tub is used exclusively by my 10-year-old son who doesn’t care a whole lot about whether or not curtains get wet, they probably should be highwaters.
For now I’m keeping them. Maybe someday I’ll switch them out if they don’t grow on me more.
Also, I’d like to give a shout out to my special helper, Max, who was with me through this entire project…
Another 2011 house goal complete!
Max was your supervisor, i assume?
But of course! The silent, stern type. A bit intimidating…
Can you please tell me the manufacture and color name of the tile????
Sorry, but I don’t have that info. I didn’t install the tile…it came with the house.