This is the fourth installment in a series, Find Your Creative Voice, based on the article 10 Questions that Will Help You Find Your Voice over at Accidental Creative, because it’s so important to find your voice when building a comfortable nest, be it a one room apartment or a sprawling mansion. I will be answering the questions that author Todd Henry has posed, and I hope that you will answer them too.
In case you missed the first, second, or third installment…
Question 3 :: What gives you hope?
As the saying goes, hope springs eternal. Without hope, what is there?
What gives me hope? Like so many, I hope that some day human beings will be able to live together in peace, accept and celebrate one another’s differences, and that all will have what they need to exist and support their families. Whether or not that will ever happen, who knows.
But on a more personal note, it gives me hope that maybe some day I will be able to purchase a house to renovate, which I could then rent or resell.
It gives me great hope to imagine fixing up a shabby interior and dreaming up an amazing new design for the house.
And it gives me hope that I can share my experiences here on this blog, and maybe, just maybe, touch someone who finds it interesting and even helpful.
It gives me great hope to know that somewhere out there is a tribe of people who love what I love, just waiting for me to join in the fun.
And finally, it gives me great hope that maybe some day, I can spend my days doing this that I love so dearly.
We always have hope…
What gives you hope?
Feel free to start a dialogue on the subject of creativity and what you have mastered in the comments and on the Homage Style Facebook page.
Up next in the series…As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
[…] find your creative voice :: day 4 :: what gives you hope? find your creative voice :: day 2 :: what makes you cry? […]