Doesn’t it even sound fun? Capiz!
I have been thinking about a capiz shell chandelier for my living room for a while now, but being broke and all, that hasn’t exactly made it to the top of my priorities list.
Until I saw these…
And thought, wouldn’t these look fabulous in this doorway, 3 on each side?
I wrote about this room and it’s lack of seating here.
So back to the capiz!
Wouldn’t they look fab? They’re on sale for $14.99 per strand at West Elm. $14.99 x 6 = no way do I have that much to spend on capiz!
($89.94 for the math types. Not including sales tax and shipping.)
(And I really did consider not linking to them so all of my trusty readers don’t buy them up while I’m searching for spare change and the TV remote in my couch cushions. But I’m not mean like that. If I can’t have them, someone should!)
So I decided to use the amazing powers of my resale license to search the internets for capiz! wholesalers, because I’m certain that the entire strand cost about $0.03 wholesale. Now that was quite an experience. I was astounded by the variety of craptastic stuff made with capiz! Just google “wholesale capiz shells rectangular”. In fact, let me google that for you.
While you can buy everything from a capiz! tissue box cover to a capiz! toilet seat, I could not find the rectangular shells I was looking for. Apparently West Elm commissioned those directly from Mother Nature herself.
Well, we’ll see what happens. Maybe I’ll hit the lotto and feel OK about spending almost 100 smackeroos on sea shells.
Or I could listen to my friend Claire, who says, “Go for the luxuries in life! The necessities take care of themselves.” Not the soundest financial advice I’ve ever received, but it sure is the most fun!